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The United States energy social foundation has proposed with solar panels or other high reliability of the electric power source to ensure the normal operation of the nuclear power plant cooling system. The United States energy social foundation in the face of natural disasters is mainly devoted to protect key infrastructure. Because solar panels need not time for maintenance, also do not need to undertake energy supplies that will be able to ensure the normal operation of electric power, so as to ensure the safety of the pool deficient fuel. It is reported, this idea has now get us nuclear power industry support.
At present, the lack of circulating cooling pool fuel system relies mainly on the commercial power to run, emergency occurs mainly rely on diesel generator to guarantee the normal work of the cooling system. Now, the nuclear power plant of emergency diesel generator was only enough to run 7 days. Because there are many emergency diesel generator flexible components, so it needs constant maintenance, it's too easy to malfunction. The United States congress Edward marchi a recent report, the United States existing plants have appeared again and again in the diesel generator fault.
According to the U.S. energy foundation advice, ensure social deficient fuel pool of system emergency power supply cooling equipment should be carrying energy supplies, not to the premise of operation and maintenance work for two years. If Japan f island to take similar measures can prevent nuclear power plant, the subsequent disaster can effectively avoid.
The United States energy social foundation of the draft as early as February 6, 2011 submitted to the nuclear regulatory commission. If be, this is expected to strengthen the United States through nuclear emergency power supply system, so as to better meat machine that the 104 active nuclear reactor safety. It is reported, on March 14, the American energy social foundation presented the final version, which is in Japan fukushima nuclear accident outbreak two hours ago. Now, the nuclear regulatory commission has proposed the main content posted on the federal registry office, but also for the general public opinion, provide public opinion for the deadline is on July 20,.
At present there are U.S. citizens request us nuclear power supervision committee positive social foundation of the American energy review the proposal. Some experts think the Japanese fukushima nuclear power station, the crisis is not because of an earthquake or a tsunami, mainly because the power equipment damage can't drive the screen printing machine circulation. The earthquake just fuse. When people see the Japanese nuclear power station damaged aerial, people will realize that the damage caused by the nuclear power, similar to the situation may also occur in the United States. Therefore, the United States should have a ready plan, once produce similar case, we can easily face, otherwise it will cause serious consequence.
The report shows that in the past eight years, the United States and in the time of nuclear power plants at least 69 cases of emergency cutting machine of failure. Japan fukushima nuclear power station was that the emergency diesel generator, leading to timely start in the reactor core temperature is too high, and cause nuclear accident.
With this, there are people in the United States for nuclear power plant, said emergency power generation equipment, it does not know if nuclear power supervision committee for examination and approval in the United States of the project considered. The United States energy social foundation of this proposal was put forward this problem, this also is in Japan f island nuclear crisis, we americans are worried about. To this, the U.S. nuclear regulatory commission officials say, the U.S. energy social foundation this proposal is positive progress, is currently for public opinion.
The United States congress Edward marchi a recent report, the United States existing plants have appeared again and again in the jaw crusher fault.
It is reported, the American energy social foundation asked us nuclear power supervision committee modify the relevant system, and emergency power facilities will be listed in nuclear plant construction, in order to ensure that the requirements to provide emergency power. The United States energy social foundation and not a anti-nuclear groups. The foundation identity in the United States, 20% of its electricity from nuclear power, large area ground closed nuclear power will lead to generating capacity, which plunged will also affect the stability of the power grid.